Friday, August 1, 2014

back to basics. again.

Oh hi!  I missed you.  Like a lot.  I didn't want to be friends for a while because I didn't want to admit that I failed.  I didn't want to tell you about it either, because I didn't know how to talk about it.  I kept thinking I was ready but I was lying to myself, and to you.

So here's the deal.  I got dumped.  Hard core completely blindsided dumped.  I never in a million years imagined I'd be abandoned by my husband with a 7 month old baby because the pressures of our life were just too much for him to handle.  But there it is, out in the open finally, so now I can talk about other things. Other wonderful, beautiful, delicious things.  I have to be honest, I hardly bake anymore.  I hardly create anything at all for that matter, and my soul is very angry with me for not doing the things that make me so happy. 

Kyleigh astounds me daily with her sense of wonder. With the size of her heart and the way she makes me fall in love with her all over again everyday.  I would tell 32 year old Kyleigh to follow her dreams and do the things that make her soul happy.  I would tell her to keep her chin up and try again.  I would tell her I love her, and that she's beautiful, and that just because things don't work out the way you expect them to, doesn't mean they're not working out exactly the way they're supposed to.  I would tell her to get back up and be the hero of her own story.  I would tell her that she's a hell of a lot stronger than she realizes, and that the only way to make things better is to try.  Harder. I have to do the same if I ever expect her to take me seriously.  So here I go, getting back to basics. Again.

Monday, January 20, 2014

a bit of an update

This past weekend I made cheesecake pops for a friends birthday celebration.  They were adorable and I think my favourite part about them was the packaging.  I have a weakness for packaging and making things look pretty.  When I was finishing them up I had a thought like so many other thoughts I have when I bake something; you should blog about this.  But then the days go by and I realize I haven't blogged about it or anything in some time.  And then I remember that the last post I started to write was about me wanting to blog more.

Here's what I've been up to lately:

Angie's Dessert Table - Norman Wedding
Banana Pancakes in abundance - Kyleigh loves them!
Mini Strawberry Tarts with Vanilla Pastry Cream - Baking date with Bryan
Lemon Cranberry Scones - Because I love them
Super amazing white chocolate cranberry cake - Family Christmas
Chocolate covered marshmallows - Christmas Treats
7 dozen Sour Cream Cookies - Cookie Exchange
Circus Cake - Everett's 1st Birthday
Rainbow Cake - Colton's 2nd Birthday
Cheesecake pops - Leanne's Birthday

Any suggestions on what you want to hear about first?