I love my sisters. They're kind of fantastic, all of them. Yesterday was Margie's birthday, and last night I had the enormous privledge of not only spending the evening with her and some of her wonderful friends, but I got to bring the cake!
It was a couple months ago when Margie asked me if I could replicate a cake she found on pinterest and fell in love with. Of course I said yes! Her only request was that it was very lemony with a tart lemon filling. I was trying to find a recipe that met the criteria and I came across one from fine cooking. It was super fun to make!
The cake called for the lemon zest to be put in a blender with 1/4 cup of the sugar, something I'd never done before. It added such a deliciously light lemon flavour to the finished cake. The lemon curd filling, also from fine cooking, is honestly the best lemon curd I've ever made. Ever other recipe I've made uses corn starch as the thickener but this recipe just used egg yolks. 6 of them. It was so rich and delicious it took everything I had not to just start eating it with a spoon.
Now enough with the amazing cake and filling because the buttercream was kind of a bust... a soupy mess that just wouldn't set. I attempted Italian meringue buttercream for the first time. I decided against swiss meringue buttercream because I've done it enough times that I wanted to try something new. In retrospect I should have just gone with what I knew but I leaned so atleast there is that.
Note to self: Next time don't over beat the egg whites and under cook the sugar. Just sayin. Anyway, as long as I kept the cake refridgerated nothing melted and realiztically it still tasted fantastic.
The outside of the cake was decorated with pink crushed meringue. All in all, exactly what Margie wanted. Or at least that's what she's telling me.
Love you Mugs, like a lot. Can't wait to see what you request next year!
Photos taken by Margie at fresh images

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