Thursday, July 14, 2011

copy cat scone

Sometimes when I'm waiting for Josh to pick me up after work, I go to this grocery store that has a cafe in it and they make the most amazingly delicious cinnamon cranberry and walnut scones.  Last week I tried to recreate them, and while they were delicious (despite my forgetting the cinnamon) they were not at all like the ones at Commisso's.  This week I tried again and holy crap... They may even be better.  When I found the recipe I didn't read the directions thoroughly, just checked to make sure I had all the ingredients.  I'm glad I didn't read the directions, I may have been deterred from the puff pastry like process, but I'm so glad I stuck through the time intensive process.  These scones (despite my having forgotten the walnuts... maybe next time I'll actually remember all the ingredients... grr) were to die for.  I will be making these again.  For sure.
I didn't start taking pictures until after the two folds and chill time in the fridge. 
I also added 1/2 tbs cinnamon to the dry ingredients and 1/2 tbs to the butter mixture.


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