Tuesday, July 12, 2011

pudding and pie

It's been a wonderful night! After work, Josh and I went to our wedding tasting and holy yum! Almost makes me wish the wedding was tomorrow so I could eat the food again! Almost... still so much to do! I can't believe how fast the time is flying by, there is only a little over three months to go!

After we got home from the tasting, I made dessert as we're not getting dessert made by the caterer. I wanted to try out a recipe I saw in the new Whole Living magazine for chocolate pudding. There is a whole section on eating raw and I've been wanting to try this recipe since I saw it.

All the ingredients are items we have regularly stocked in our house... conveniently.

Mix it all up and voila. Delicious.
I must say the sea salt was such a wonderful addition. I will definitely be doing this one again!

After devouring the pudding and seeing that it was only 7pm it was on to the next thing on my to make list. I had to do something with all the cherries I bought from the local stand we shop at. I love black forest cake, but the idea of store bought cherry pie filling just doesn't appeal to me very much, and so because it's cherry season here, homemade cherry pie filling it is. Super easy too! I got the recipe from a wicked blog I follow. Super fun, if you have time I definitely recommend checking it out.

I don't have a cherry pitter so used a piping tip. Works wonders, though super duper messy.

It kind of reminded me of a horror movie when the pit popped out. I made Josh stop playing his video game to watch me. He didn't think it was as entertaining as I did, but at least I kept myself entertained while pitting 6 cups of cherries. So worth it.

Next step, black forest. I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. I want to try the pudding so much! It looks amazing.
