Wednesday, February 22, 2012

maple pecan cinnamon rolls

I spend a lot of time on baking blogs.  Like a lot a lot, but I'm ok with that. It keeps me motivated, and always inspires me to try new things.  I bake a lot of cupcakes because they're fast and easy, but it's always nice to be challenged a bit.  When I first came across these maple pecan cinnamon rolls on a blog I follow I was intrigued.  They weren't hard per say, but they were a bit time consuming, and the challenge came in with the space I had to make them in.  

The dough was super easy to form, and the 20 minutes it needed to rest in the fridge afforded me the time to do the dishes, so I was doubly productive.

When short of supplies, improvise.  I know my mother in law has a rolling pin somewhere, but I also knew that I had a bottle of wine that I could find faster then asking where the rolling pin was, so that's what I used. And it worked, very well.

The hardest part about these cinnamon rolls was waiting for them to bake before we got to dig in.  

I highly recommend checking out bakingdom.  You can find the recipe for these maple pecan cinnamon rolls there, they're well worth trying.  I'm just hoping they last until tomorrow so I can indulge in another one!  Delish!

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